Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Epsom Salts

Salts used by Victorians as a medical remedy. They're Magnesium Sulphates, made by bonding Magnesium Carbonate and Dilute Sulphuric Acid.

MgCO3 (s) + H2SO4 (aq) --> MgSO4 (aq) + CO2 (g) + H2O (l)

Alternative Fuels

  • Ethanol and Bio Diesel
E.g. From Sugar Canes via fermentation.

Pro - Some CO2 is captured and 'reused'.
Pro - Reduces the demand for fossil fuel.
Con - More expensive than fossil fuels.
Con - Plants are fragile.
Con - Ridiculous land needed to provide the amount of fuel required.

  • LPG - Liquefied Petroleum Gas
60% Propane, 40% Butane

Pro - Less CO, NO, and unburnt fuels.
Pro - Cheaper as compared with common fossil fuels.
Con - Difficult to store.
Con - Greater evaporative emissions.

  • Hydrogen
Can be consumed in two ways:
1- Via burning: Like common fossil fuels, producing some NOx and water.
2- Via fuel cells: taking place in a cell rather than an engine, producing pure electricity.

Pro - Little or no pollution.
Pro - Semi infinite source of energy.
Con - Difficult to manufacture and store.

*Can be obtained from water via electrolysis.

  • Nuclear Energy
Produced via the breaking down of unstable nuclei.

Pro - Long life span.
Con - Expensive and difficult to build and manufacture.