· The Absorption Spectra looks at the frequencies absorbed by an element when light is passed through it
Light à Gas à Less light
· The Emission Spectra looks at the light given off when the element is exited
Excited element (heated up) à light is emitted. (Bohr’s theory)
· Wave theory and particle theory are linked by Planck’s constant.
Bohr’s theory
Bohr stated that electrons start in their normal shell (Ground level or level 1: closest to the nucleus) but the atom still has outer shells (level 2, 3 …etc)
When the electron gains energy, the electron moves + shell, depending on the amount of energy (Which is known as a quantum: the energy required for an electron to jump up to the next level)
When the electron is in a higher level, it’s known to be in an ‘excited state’. However, the electron can’t stay in the excited state after the energy is given off (so it moves back to ground level)
Bohr: As the electron jumps up a quantum, it absorbs light, which is why we get an absorption spectra. As it jumps back down, it emits the light it absorbed.
Bohr: As you go towards outer shells, the layers get closer get closer to each another. Which is significant as it justifies why the frequency given off is different as the quantum gets smaller.
The energy of the photon is equal to the quantum. Knowing that, we can calculate frequency.
Both the photon value and the quantum are variables according to the level which the electron is at.